Monday, October 19, 2015


私のスケジュールはかんたんです。げつようびからきんようびまでがっこうがあります 。げつようびに8時におきます。ごぜん8時40分からごご5時25分クラスをします。6時にりょうに帰ります。ごご6時からごご11時30分勉強します。さいごにテレビを見ます。これは私のふつうな日です。

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Post #2

I chose to study Japanese because I find Japanese culture to be very interesting. I am fascinated by Japanese cultural arts and history. Last year I spent a lot of time reading about and studying the history of Japan and I found it to be very cool. The fact that Japan was so isolated but still had some foreign influences created a very interesting history. I also think that Japanese cultural arts such as bonsai, ikebana, origami, woodblock prints, and tea gardens/ceremonies are fascinating. The juxtaposition of the abstract and strict rules is something that is hard to find in any other countries arts.


Post #1

